The Woman as Initiatress

When the woman awakens her inner goddess, she becomes an Initiatress.

Creation is not a process that has taken place at a moment in the distant past, nor will its dissolution be at a later moment. Both processes take place and happen continuously. What exists and is happening now, in the whole universe and in ourselves, is very similar to what was happening at the beginning of the world.


This is the tantric vision. And everything that exists, from atom to galaxy, is the fruit of the perpetual ecstatic interpenetration between the two opposite poles: one static – Shiva, the other dynamic – Shakti. Shiva is the Cosmic Masculine principle, the eternal Yang, and Shakti is the Cosmic Feminine principle, the eternal Yin.

Shakti represents the Great Mother, the Universal Goddess, the dynamic aspect both in the vision about the Universe and in the relationship between a man and a woman. That is why for the tantrics the woman is generally the beholder of erotic secrets – and not only the erotic ones. That is why she is the one who initiates her lover in the art of sublime lovemaking.

By her capacity to open up physically and spiritually, to offer herself to her beloved – the woman is considered to be the perfect disciple, the chalice that can receive the revelation and teachings of the spiritual guide.

And only the one who is open to learning, open to initiation can become an initiaor.

She calls the Divine Grace for her beloved

The Tantric tradition sees the Eternal Feminine as the Initiator for all men. Because all men pass through the gate of her yoni when they come into the world. This is the first initiation that we all receive – the passage through the sacred gate of the mother, from the unseen dimensions into the earthly existence.

And as she is the one who gives birth, beholds the secrets and she is also the bearer of all life, even through her body and psyche the woman is very near to the Divinity.

The yoni is the symbol of the female principle. The word means “matrix” in Sanskrit, and the tantric vision transfigures the female organ. It considers the yoni as being sacred and possessing a colossal, infinite power, precisely because it is the reflection of the cosmic matrix of Mahayoni.

Tantra believes that the woman, through her native opening and intense sensuality, is in spontaneous communion with Shakti. Moreover, the sexual power of the woman, which is greater than that of the man’s, is regarded as an exceptional gift, a perfect potentiality for spiritual ascension.

An oriental proverb says that God counts the tears of women. And it is also said that “when the woman is given all the honor, the gods are glorified.”

Why? Because when she is fulfilled, respected, transfigured and adored in her eternal essence, the woman is able to bring divine grace into the heart and life of the man.

This is why Tantra does not see the relationship between the two sexes as a struggle, as it is seen in the Western culture that has always considered the superiority of the man as an evidence.

This is why through tantric knowledge and practice we can regain the state of sacredness in our own being, in the relationship with our beloved and also in the way we generally see people.

The couple unites with infinity

Tantra is a call to participate in the mystery of the sacred that is hidden in the profane.
At the miracle of the state of unity in the man-woman couple as well as of the inner unity of each of us.

The woman who awakens her inner goddess acquires the power to initiate her lover, to guide him on this profound journey to sacred love and divine eroticism. What does divine eroticism mean? The Goddess inside the woman loves the God inside the man and all that is born between them, as limited personalities, aspires to something that is beyond them.

They want to unite not only for the enjoyment of sensual pleasure, but rather for coming out of limitation and to be able to unite with the infinite.

And according to the tantric vision, when a couple, two, three, one hundred succeed such a leap of consciousness, a huge chance opens up that all humanity heals itself, regenerates, and grows up spiritually.

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