Find Your Way in the Labyrinth

Eroticism is one of the most fascinating aspects of the Creation. And the most challenging gift offered to the human being by the Divine Creator. It seems accessible but actually is profoundly mysterious. Sexuality is available to all but eroticism is only accessible to those whose hearts have been touched by the power of love.

Without love there is no eroticism, even if we often mistake eroticism for sexual attraction, bodily desire and the desire to possess the other.

Spiritual traditions often speak of a higher octave of eroticism, often called Mystic Eros. It is even less accessible, because in order to live it one needs not only intuition, not only the state of love but also to be initiated and have occult or esoteric knowledge in this field.

The Knowledge of the Few

The term esoteric designates a set of information and special practices that can only be revealed to those who deserve it and are prepared for it. For those who have a certain purity in their intentions and an intense aspiration towards transformation.  Because it is not just about information; it requires a certain discipline, a constant practice and continuous integration into the special energetic field of Initiation created and maintained by an authentic spiritual guide, an enlightened or liberated Master.

Today the term Esoteric has been completely denatured; it is erroneously used to define all information that has something to do with the occult sciences, with magic, with mind control, positive thinking, etc. Others use the term with a negative connotation to define what is hidden or occult in a dark or terrifying sense.

On a broader scale, it became a distinctive feature of the New Age culture – an anti-spiritual movement dressed in spiritual disguise. Their representatives only buy and sell sterile information without having the power to actually initiate. This mysterious but real power to initiate can only come as a result of the persevering practice of an authentic initiation. And it is certified by objective results in the form of profound internal transformation.

Time to redefine

In all authentic spiritual traditions, esoteric knowledge about eroticism played an important role. The possessors of such knowledge saw eroticism as a wonderful tool for turning our energies in general and our erotic energy in particular into an intense upward force of our life, into the fuel of our spiritual realization.

The esoteric lineages of Tantra, Alchemy, Tao, and all other traditions dealing with the study of eroticism were constantly banned by institutionalized religions. They were considered “dangerous” since they “gave man too much power”.

Initiates often had to work and practice in secret groups, secret societies, to protect themselves from the clutches of the greedy, to protect their knowledge from the mockery of the ordinary people.

Esoteric Eroticism in the contemporary society

The time has come when, in the natural course of mankind’s spiritual evolution, these hidden, occult and esoteric aspects of eroticism become increasingly accessible to large groups of people. So what is of the utmost importance now is to correctly understand the esoteric aspects of eroticism, otherwise the eclectic information with which we are bombarded will take us apart from the natural path of our soul.

Like the term “esoteric” the word “erotic” has also been seriously altered, being used nowadays as a synonym for sex and sexuality. And since words have enormous creative power, it is time to redefine this term based on its actual content so that when we use it, we direct our life in the right direction.

First, we have to understand that Eros is a divine attribute. The erotic energy in its essence is the creative power of God and as such also the source of man’s creative power. God has created the Macrocosmic World through the power of Eros; Man creates his microcosmic Universe (the stage of his life) through the power of his own eroticism. Either he is conscious of it or not. When correctly oriented eroticism can lift man out of the whirlpool of illusion and propel him upward to the divine realms of his existence.

How to recognise the genuine?

Eroticism has always been an attractive subject for the human mind, so it is very easy to arouse people’s interest in it. This is why courses and schools of New Age culture that promise to improve people’s erotic life multiplied like mushrooms after the rain. It is not easy to separate the good mushrooms from the poisonous ones.

However, there are some distinctive features that can help the sincere seeker in this endeavour:

  • True esoteric knowledge is always rooted in a traditional spiritual lineage, often a really ancient one, such as Tantra, Tao or Alchemy. It is never the creation of some self-proclaimed “New Age guru”, sex coach or sex healer.
  • In authentic teachings, eroticism is never seen as an end in itself but a fuel of transformation, a means for the journey to our higher Self. It is never limited to the pleasure of the senses, it is always oriented to awaken the soul and open the heart.
  • A true esoteric school will always create a framework where the initiate receives not only information, but also the possibility to face deep experiences with irreversible positive effects. And a framework of practice where these experiences can be gradually transformed into inner realization.
  • An authentic spiritual movement always converges around an authentic spiritual guide, a wise teacher who has already traveled the path of self-realization to its end, so now he has the ability to safely lead others on this journey. New Age people tend to reject the need for such a spiritual guide, but all genuine esoteric traditions say that without proper guidance, losing the right path is almost inevitable.

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