Facts and Ideas that Motivate Our Work

“The 21st century will be spiritual or it will not be at all.” It is a pretty well-known quote that has also sparked some controversy since Malraux said it in the first half of the 19th century. Even if it isn’t certified that he is the true author of this saying, its message can still be a bit chilling for those who try to grasp its meaning.

We would like to live our life to the fullest, to enjoy its gifts and to make an unforgettable celebration out of every day. But we were not born in an era of Dionysian frenzy. Mainstream mentalities don’t glorify freedom, playfulness, the creativity of our souls, devotion to what is sacred nor the beauty of love and spontaneity.

In this culture of “to have” and “to do” the modern man has been born spiritually castrated, trapped in the material world.

Life becomes just an empty package when the man fails to understand and to cherish its authentic meaning. When he betrays the source of life, man betrays himself.

The extraordinary achievements of the science were directed mostly to make life more comfortable and a lot of progress has been done with the help of technology, but everything is in vain when is lacking a higher purpose.

A planetary crisis

Abraham Maslow, a pioneer of transpersonal psychology, talked about the suffering that exists in our society – the unconscious collective element that makes us live in a state of confinement when it comes to our own potential. We let ourselves be driven not by our ideals and talents, but by our fears. This also gives birth to some deviant behaviours that take away the joy of life, bringing instead boredom and despair. This suffering makes us repress our aspirations to spiritual fulfilment.

Investigating the psychological causes of this planetary crisis professor Roger Walsh discovered that suffering is present in almost every sphere of existence, and its root is not in the making of the universe, it comes from our wrong choices.

War, famine, drugs, crime, obsession for consumption, they all come from the destructive side of the human beings and they all have their roots in fear and the desire for power.

And all these find their reflection in the contemporary art that has come to justify its very existence by portraying the crisis in the most shocking ways, without offering any solution to it.

Cause and effect

Fritjof Capra, the well-known physicist, arrived at the same conclusion as the great eastern traditions – the true problem of the human being is ignorance and also the lack of perception over the whole picture and also of a better understanding of the relationship between the man and the universe. This is the real sickness, the profound cause of the individualistic and aggressive human behaviour.

By not taking into consideration the transcendental dimension of life and nature, man is robbed of the feeling that he is part of something bigger, that he has a place and a mission in the making of this reality.

Changing the mindset

The 21st century will indeed be a spiritual one or it may not be at all. The world is facing a great dilemma; we either choose the path that requires a leap of consciousness to a more elevated level or we will enter the new era only after we will be purified by destruction.

The necessity to revise our conception of the world, it is now something that needs to be discussed. The new paradigm suggests a unitary and spiritual perspective of the universe.

We are all one Being and this is why we owe ourselves and also each other to return to what is sacred, to reconnect with the old teachings and principles that speak the divine truth.

By doing this we will awaken in our hearts the joy of life and we will find our place in the world and in the heart of God. We want the 21st century to be the preview for the triumph of life. It is all up to us. It is in our power to save ourselves and to open pave the way for brighter times.

Tantra Ecstasy Studio’s work and effort is dedicated to massively contribute to achieving this noble ideal on the planetary level.

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